The Different Forms of Rape

Power Rape                   occurs in 55% of rape cases

Rapists who commit power rapes use only enough force to overpower their victim. The rapist has a premeditated plan, which is based on rape fantasies that they have. Power rapist may use a weapon, but only to threaten the victim. They commit multiple rapes, which last a short period of time. Thus, they tend to use language that is instructional or inquisitive, and is often sexual. Power rapist choose their victims based on the following criteria: availability, accessibility and vulnerability.

Anger Rape                                    40% of rape cases

Those that commit anger rape will use excessive physical violence. This type of rape is impulsive and unplanned by the rapist. However, the rapist is very likely to use a weapon and if the weapon is available than it would be used to hurt the victim. Yet, this type of rape is often short and the type of victim chosen is unplanned, which means the victim is chosen based on their availability. Anger rapists use language that is degrading, abusive and obscene. 

Sadistic Rape                                   5% of rape cases

This is the most severe type of rape, which involves bondage and torture, and sometimes leads to murder. A sadistic rapists calculates and plans his attack. The rape is highly repetitive and ritualistic, and can last for a long period of time. Weapons are used to torture the victim. The language used in this type of rape is commanding and degrading. Thus, victims are targeted, trapped and kidnapped.